Daily Dose of Design: Game Day Ready: SNICKERS® Dip + Essentials for the Big Game

Monday, February 1, 2016

Game Day Ready: SNICKERS® Dip + Essentials for the Big Game

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #GameDayGlory #CollectiveBias

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Can you believe we're already in February?! February 1st only means one thing - it's game week! Every year at my house, we have a huge get-together and make a ton of amazingly yummy snacks - dips, appetizers, finger foods, desserts, you name it and we have it! Making a ton of food to snack on all day rather than eating meals throughout the day is my favorite thing to do (I snack all day, every day!) so I'm beyond excited to actually have a reason this weekend to do so!

Here are some of my favorite things to have for snacks to watch a great game of football:

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SNICKERS® Minis 40 oz, Skittles® XL 41 oz, Pepsi™ 12 oz. 12 pack, TOSTITOS® chips and TOSTITOS® Medium Chunky Salsa - have these snacks and you're pretty much good to go! There are so many things you can do with these snacks and great recipes to make - or just to eat the entire bag of Skittles® before Halftime like I do! ; )

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A fan favorite that I've been making for a few years now is a SNICKERS® Dip. After having a ton of salty and savory appetizers and dips all day, I always love having something sweet and chocolaty. That's what had me come up with this idea - having a sweet treat to off set all of the spicy foods and main appetizers! The best part is it's super simple and quick to make and your guests, family and friends will all think it took you hours to create.

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SNICKERS® Dip Recipe:


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1 bag of SNICKERS® Minis 40 oz

1/2 jar of chocolate/hazelnut spread

1 tablespoon of butter

3 ounces of cream cheese

1/3 cup of powdered sugar

P.S. You can find all of these products in the Game Day Glory section in your nearest Walmart!

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How to make:

Put the butter and a large handful of SNICKERS® Minis in a pot on medium heat. Stir the mixture until the butter and SNICKERS® have melted together to your liking.

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Side note: consider buying an extra bag (or 10) of SNICKERS® in case you eat as you cook like me!

Next, take your kitchen mixer and mix together the hazelnut spread with your cream cheese. Once this is mixed, pour in the melted SNICKERS® mix followed by the powdered sugar (a little at a time - you can sort of eye the sugar).

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This is what your mixture will look like once you mix everything together:

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I love to mash up any extra SNICKERS® I have left over and put them on top of the dip for some extra yummy-ness! It's better when cooled as well, so place it in the refrigerator for about an hour before serving time.

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Doesn't it look SO yummy?! Everyone should get to experience something this tasty on a fun, laid back Game-Day Sunday!

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I cannot wait to make this dip AGAIN for game day this Sunday! I can hardly resist eating the whole thing myself, so I'm planning on making one for me and two for everyone else... kidding! Kind of ; )

What are your plans for this Sunday's game day? Do you make a special kind of dip each year?
Here are some more great recipes for game day and how-to's for making snack stadiums!

Do you make fun snack stadiums for the big game? If so, you can enter an awesome contest with yours or vote for any that you like! Enter now using for a chance to win a $100 Walmart eGift card or Xbox One and post your snack stadium using #gamedayglorysweepstakes.

Game Day Glory Sweepstakes



  1. That sounds so yummy! That would be a decadent treat, for sure!

  2. ohhh sweet and chocolate all in one, may even have a little bit of salt depending on what you dipped, sounds so yummy

  3. This looks so good; I'm drooling just from reading the recipe! I would love to try this for game day.

  4. This looks amazing! Super creative. I've never seen a Snickers dip before. Definitely a great treat for game day!

  5. This looks so good. I'll have to try this for our party. I've been looking for ways to step our game up.

  6. I made this with greek yogurt and it was so good! Will have to try your version next!

  7. I made a Snickers dip recently and it was the first thing to go! Everyone loved it.

  8. Snickers Dip looks like something I could eat just right out of the bowl! LOL

  9. holy yumness !! Def doing this for the super bowl thanks !! LAci

  10. That sure looks yummy! I love chocolate anything so this is something worth a try! Thanks for sharing the recipe! Looks easy to make.

  11. You had me at Snickers Dip! What a fantastic party snack! I love this idea.

  12. Oh my, the dip looks amazing! We are a family of chocolate lovers. This dip will go fast.

  13. That dip looks HEAVENLY! And all of your snack choices are so amazing and go so well together!

  14. we love snickers... i love the chocolate dip idea, it looks amazing

  15. I've seen a lot of savory treats and dips for game day but yours stand out! Yummmy!

  16. What a treat! I am looking at it while my tummy is grumbling lol. Looks so tasty, yum!

  17. What a marvelous sweet treat! Our sweet tooth would be very happy to indulge on a cup of this Snickers dip!


  18. That snickers dip is just incredible! What a delicious idea. I'll have to try this.

  19. Great idea! Although it does sound like it is a little too sweet for me, I am sure my boys would love this! Thanks for the idea. We'll have this for game day!

  20. Great Game Day Essentials! Love this idea it's yummy and very sweet.

  21. I've never seen a recipe like this - and LOVE it!

  22. Awesome game day goodies! Snickers and Skittles are two of my favorite candies.

  23. OH boy, now we're talking. I think this would be one heck of a hit with the gang on Sunday!

  24. A Snickers dip you say? I do think that would be a hit over here. :)

  25. Snickers are my favorite candy bar! I would eat all of this! Looks very tasty.

  26. This looks like one awesome dip! I'd love a spoonful right now!

  27. ooohhh yummy. We love Snickers - I need to make this dip. I sounds so good!

  28. wow i've never had snickers as a dip. it looks really yummy though.

  29. SNICKERS® Minis in a dip sounds delicious! (client)

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