Daily Dose of Design: 7 Ways to be a Successful Multi Niche Blogger

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

7 Ways to be a Successful Multi Niche Blogger

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When I began my blog, from the start I thought that Daily Dose of Design would be strictly a design blog - I would share design tips, decor palettes, the whole nine yards for every. single. post. That idea went out the door REALLY quickly and I decided I would write fashion and design posts.. This worked for a while and then I got kind of bored - I wanted to write about more and as stupid as it sounds, I didn't know that I could! (cut me some slack, I had been a blogger for three months tops!)

I hear a LOT from other bloggers - in Facebook support groups mainly - that you should stick to one niche or not branch out into too many different topics on one blog. Granted, a majority of bloggers agree with what I'm saying on this but there are a ton of people who don't. To each their own; your blog is your blog for a reason. If you want to blog solely about fashion, blog solely about fashion. But if you want to blog about travel, food and life experiences, you can do that too and you shouldn't let anyone tell you otherwise! Now, I totally see what people are saying when they say that it's important to sort of stick to a topic and I agree, but that's only to a certain extent. I consider myself a fashion/beauty and lifestyle blogger but in that "lifestyle" category there's so many subcategories: design, travel, food and actual lifestyle based posts.

My point here is to run your blog how you want to run your blog and don't let others make you think that its wrong. There's really no wrong way to blog (unless of course you're stealing content or something stupid like that, ya know, the obvious things) and as long as you work hard at what you do, there's room for success for all blog niches. I've learned a lot when it comes to blogging about multiple topics and I think there's some really important things you can do to make sure that being a multi-niche blogger is a success for you.

How I manage being a multi-niche blogger:
Space the topics out

As some may notice, I don't typically publish posts that are too similar too close to each other. Not that there's anything wrong with doing so, but since I enjoy writing about a variety of things within my niches, I always space the posts out. I move things around on my editorial calendar a lot and it's almost always for this reason. If I think of a new post idea, I fit it in where ever there's a space of time without that topic.

Figure out what's working best for you 

There's a fairly good chance that one or two of your blog post categories will do better than others. Whether this means that you stop blogging about the category that doesn't do as well or keep it going because it's something you love, depends on your wants for your blog. I definitely have seen certain posts do much better than others - and I think that's also where it's important to bring in one or two posts per week that are "Pinterest worthy" if that makes sense.

More monetization opportunities

Again, I'm sure there are a lot of people who would agree to disagree, but being a multi-niche blogger can lead to more campaigns and opportunities. Networks like Social Fabric and Clever Girls have a variety of campaign opportunities for various niches - if you're opened to blogging about more than one thing, you can therefore apply to more opps. Side note about opportunities: I don't believe that you should take on any campaign if it doesn't truly fit your blog or isn't something that you totally believe it and genuinely want to share with your readers. My point is, there's tons of campaigns that offer a huge compensation fee but if it doesn't fit your niche(s), it most definitely isn't worth it. I apply to campaigns very selectively and accept collaborations, etc. selectively too. I think this is the most important way to stay genuine - especially if you're a multi-niche blogger and are applying to a variety of campaign topics.

SEO is your best friend

This is a given for all bloggers, but if you are running a multi-niche blog, it's so incredibly important to be familiar with and totally rock SEO! Social media is great, but to generate serious traffic for ALL of your blog topics, SEO is key and something you should definitely be focusing on. When I first started blogging (and even up until maybe the early fall of last year...) I didn't focus on SEO nearly as much as I should have. As I grow as an SEO-using-blogger, I learn more and more and I've been jotting these things down to share just as soon as I feel like I have some credibility in that field ; ) optimizing your keywords is super important for all of your niches and the sooner you take on the task of getting there, the better!

Many niches should fit like a puzzle

As a multi niche blogger, it's important to stay true to yourself and what you believe in - but there are limits on being a multi-niche blogger. It's one thing to run a blog with a few niches; fashion, beauty and lifestyle or travel, food and lifestyle. But if you're going to try and run a blog with categories like fashion, politics and DIY, you're likely going to have a really hard time. I think this is a given, and it may sound like a contradiction - but my point is that blogging about multiple categories should have its limits and not be totally drastic.

Never ending blog post possibilities

Ahhh - the best part!! When I began my blog, I always thought I would run out of post ideas within a months time. Granted you'll likely never run out of post ideas even if you are a one-topic blogger, but if you blog about a couple different things, you can easily switch it up to 1.) never get bored and 2.) never run out of blog posts ideas, like ever.

Higher readership rates

If you're good at what you do and are influential and stick to your guns, of COURSE you're going to be successful! There's room for success for everyone in the blogging world. This brings up the point that - if you're blogging about travel and food, you're then rallying in those who are interested in travel and those interested in food/recipes. See where I'm going with this? If you're blogging about one category, your main focus is to reach all potential readers interested in your category; which is great if you're focusing on one thing and can drive as many people in as possible. But as a multi-niche blogger, I find that doing the little things - like being a part of multiple Pinterest group boards to pin different posts to - helps tremendously in gaining readership. If a reader likes what they see, they're also more likely to click around and read into other posts too.

The main form of success is meeting our goals. Be good and passionate about what you blog about and most importantly, genuine. It isn't easy being a blogger, but it sure is worth it!

Are you a multi-niche blogger? How do you handle blogging about different topics?




  1. It's so important to make sure you have good SEO. I tell everyone I know about Yoast!

  2. I have become a multi-niche blogger myself over the years. I still have lots to learn about SEO, but I have certainly come a long way. I Enjoy your posts! ��

  3. I totally agree with you! I love that I can blog about a variety of subjects, but I try not to have two recipe posts after each other. I think to switch it up. Love your design!

  4. These are truly some great tips and I agree on your keywords needing to be on point if you want to draw traffic to your blog.

  5. Both of my "niches" kind of go together and I keep my random topics for the weekend so people know it's not necessarily niche-related (even if it sort of is, too.)

  6. <3 this! And I agree completely. The beauty of being a lifestyle bloggers is the fact that it really is a fairly open-ended niche that lends itself to a lot of different genres as well. Of course you never want your ultimate blog mission to be too diluted but ultimately if you are blogging about things you are passionate about, your readers will know and come back again and again :) Thanks for this!

  7. I've broken down my interests into three blogs. Each one has a broad niche so many things might fit into it. If you have a personal blog, you can fit LIFE into it. Can be multi topical. Needs to someone fit into one topic even if it is a broad one.

  8. I think this is a great post. I didn't realize there was or is such a term as multi-niche. But I guess so!

  9. Well said Adriana, I agree. My DIY Blog has how to's, quick tips, gardening, and cooking my own recipes. All which is DIY but I also mix in about my family and how I came upon my latest project.

  10. My blog is a lifestyle blog - so I can write so much! I try to keep similar topics spaced out at least by a week. Otherwise, it's too much for my readers.

  11. It's tough to be in different niches. I'm mostly food, with natural beauty/fitness too. I'm still figuring out my niches :)

  12. I am so glad that you wrote this. Hubby and I did start a family blog to move recipes and clothes off my teaching/book blog. I write for me first, so I think this is awesome.

  13. Your blog is the cutest!!! omg. I love this post. I try to space out my topics! i write on both beauty and fashion. I love your post and i can't wait to keep reading more!
    xoxo Em
    Fashion Craze

  14. This is so incredibly helpful! I love that the blogging world has room for success for all. The sense of community and creative empowerment is unlimited!

  15. I do a lot of topics on my blog, from food to fashion to personal posts, I just make sure I separate them with labels or categories. I can never be a one niche kind of blogger, that's really so not me because I have a lot to say! LOL.

  16. Yaaaas I'm so happy someone wrote this! I can't pick just one niche! I have too many interests so I'm glad I'm not the only one doing multiple categories. Love! Xo Katie

  17. My blog is just starting up - and I find I keep wanting to blog on a variety of topics. I never thought I would blog on travel - but I did today - and immediately thought of my next travel related post. I have a post on fashion. One on DIY (and another one planned), a couple of recipes, a couple on fitness and weight loss - and have some planned on nature photography. Thanks for the tips on how to do it seamlessly - and the encouragement that this is ok

  18. I totally agree with everything you said. I branched into lifestyle after getting bored with my beauty blog. Beauty is still my main focus, but I also blog about women's health, my dog and lifestyle topics.

  19. Nice tips to share. It's always good to be reminded of these things.

  20. Love this. I slowly branched out into Lifestyle, Recipes and Personal from Art and Design. Can relate to what you're talking about.

  21. I was thinking I was multi-niche, but then I figured out how to make it in a single niche and I love it

  22. Smart tips! SEO is really helpful it's true it's our best friend.

  23. These are really great tips. I think so many people get caught in one are only because they don't know how to incorporate multiple topics.

  24. I very much agree with everything you said. My blog is mainly a place for fitness but my fit lifestyle also includes adventures with my husband and cats, and also sometimes a place for me to check my mental sanity and complain or discuss something. It's all relative right?

  25. I remember feeling badly when people would say niche blogging was the way to go, but I would be so bored with just one topic. I think you have to be happy with what you're doing first and foremost.

  26. I love your comment about there being room for success for everyone in the blog world! It really does feel like a community where we all just want to see each other succeed. Great post and tips!

  27. I love this list! I think the main thing is to be true to yourself and your writing voice as well.

  28. I am not sure if I have a niche. I guess if giveaways are a niche that would be me. I do a lot of them. Or product reviews. :)

  29. Yeah I blog about several things and I have found a lot of success with it

  30. My niche is fashion, I do love posting about dress and trendy outfit.

  31. I completely agree! I'd hate to be stuck to one topic. I love writing about the things that make me happy and that always changes! I try to stick to an overall theme of motherhood lifestyle but I share style, recipes and diy.

  32. I think my niche is beauty I love doing a review about products that I love.

  33. Mine is food, parenting and photography. But I think they all sort of go together - but I think the best tips is to spread them out. That seems to help with readership

  34. As a travel blogger with lots of lifestyle thrown in the mix, I love these tips!

  35. I have never liked to stick to any one thing and I decided from day 1 (5 years ago approx) that I would have a mixed blog--At this point you could probably say my niche is books and yes-you would be correct. But I do blog about so much more. That term mixed blog opened up a lot of opportunities for me. As for SEO--one of these days I will figure that out!!

  36. Great post! I love being able to blog about anything and everything, but lately I have decided to narrow down the main categories and then splash a few other posts here and there.

  37. these are awesome tips...blogging is definitely a fun hobby for me!

  38. So helpful! Inspired me to create my list and really decide on my niches. I have a lifestyle blog, but with that being so broad, it tends to get a little out of place..I definitely want to really master the art of SEO.


    With Love,


  39. I have become a multi-niche blogger and I couldn't be happier.

  40. I started as a food blogger and ended up changing my blog to a lifestyle! Best decision I ever made since I never run out of blog material

  41. I guess I'm a multi niche blogger. I think many lifestyle blogs fall into that category. Great advice on SEO. I definitely know a thing or two about SEO- but have lots of room for improvement in terms of organizing a list of keywords to focus on. Thanks for the reminder, added to the to-do list!

  42. Such a great information & clean ideas that could help new bloggers very much. I think perfect meta-tags like keywords & description plays a major role along with a good content for a successful SEO ranking.

  43. I TOTALLY AGREE. Being multi-niche is possible and good! Spacing them out strategically is key - it makes sure everyone knows what's up and knows your full picture.

    Coming Up Roses

  44. I agree with you completely! You have to run your blog the way you feel comfortable doing or you will lose interest. I started out with one blog 10 years ago and then because of that great advice I branched out to eight blogs. It was too much. Now I have one main one and 2 that I don't do alot with, but still play with sometimes.

  45. I totally agree with this post. Do what you want. I blog about joyful living and small space gardening. To me, they go together. But they also can be totally separate. It's fun!

  46. I have two blogs -- one food blog and one multi niche so I don't really get bored.

  47. Thank you for your post, I've heard so much about focusing on one niche as well that I have been considering dividing my blog into separate ones. But your words have encouraged me to continue with my different niches and just find a way to make them all work :)

  48. Great tips. I have a multi-niche blog. Although it has increase my sponsored post potential it is a lot of work to maintain. What helps me is having contributors write about different topics in a variety of voices. I don't know where I'd be without them. :)

    Thanks for sharing! I'm passing this along.


  49. Thanks for your tips. I'm trying to get the multi-niche thing going, and it's been kinda tough. I hope it will work out for me!


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